Information Publishing

Turn Your Knowledge Into Products & Stop Trading Hours for Dollars…

Consultants, Experts, Trainers and Authors…READ THIS CAREFULLY

If you’re struggling to get ahead billing hours — it’s about time you let our team create a “highly profitable and 100% scalable” information and software product from your knowledge.

We have a proven track record of success that could easily lead you to receiving “passive monthly income”…

If you have expertise and want to get it “out there” and sold to a much larger audience, we should talk.

In fact, we paid one of our last Expert Partner’s over $59,391 for about 15 hours of his time. And then, leveraging the credibility he gained by becoming one of our published experts, he went on to earn an extra $410,000+ in the 4 months following our product launch.

Welcome to Information Publishing :)

Working with a team like Tarpon Media that has done it many times is the fastest and easiest way to create and start selling your own information and software product. Start making money even when you’re not working.

If you have experience, knowledge and expertise that people are already paying you for but you’ve found yourself stuck “trading hours for dollars”…

There is a MUCH better way. It’s called “Information Publishing”.

At Tarpon Media, we’re not an agency and we don’t work with “clients”.

We’ll license your knowledge to create information and software products, share revenue with you long-term and launch your “name” to a large audience through the power of the internet.

Imagine working once and getting paid forever?

[icon_list] [icon_list_item type=”check”] You get paid when you’re not working [/icon_list_item] [icon_list_item type=”check”] You eliminate “trading hours for dollars” [/icon_list_item] [icon_list_item type=”check”] You make a lot more money, a lot faster [/icon_list_item] [/icon_list]

Tarpon Media has the team, experience and track record to take your knowledge and create wildly successful information and software products following our proven process.

There are no upfront fees so this is perfect for everyone with knowledge ready to sell.

If you’re ready for the next level and are ready to apply to see if you’re the right fit for our 7-Figure Partner Program, contact us today.